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Welcome to the BoxLock Control API! You can use our API to access information about your organization, manage locations, locks, barcodes, access activity logs and a variety of other things.

All of our endpoint examples are written in Shell using curl, which should allow them to be easily generalizable to any programming language you're using to integrate BoxLock into your application.

BoxLock uses API keys to allow access to the API.


BoxLock uses API Key to allow access to the API. The API Info for your account is available under Account → API in BoxLock Control. If you need additional API Keys generated or the API Key is not populated, please reach out to your BoxLock Customer Success Representative.

The BoxLock Control API expects the API Key to be included in all API requests to the server. X-API-Key as the header key and your API Key as the value.


List Filtering

You can filter most of our data objects by their field properties (ie locks, barcodes, and packages).

Example Requests

GET <https://apis.getboxlock.com/barcode/v2/control/barcodes/?name=eq:MyBarcode&locationId=eq:{id}&sort=updatedAt&limit=10&offset=1>

GET <https://apis.getboxlock.com/lock/v2/control/locks/activities/?activityType=in:18,20>

GET <https://apis.getboxlock.com/lock/v2/control/locks/activities/?createdAt=between:2021-03-18,2021-03-27>